Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Little Ice ge and European Society

During the Little Ice Age the climate was very unstable with increased rain and floods, crop failures and very cold winters, lasting from the 14th Century to the 19th Century. People were dependent on cereal crops, like wheat, barley and oats due to the warm, stable climate. In 1314, the climate changed to extremely cold, wet weather which started abruptly. The flooding lasted for 5 years, crops failed and the land was turned to swamps. From 1315-1317 was one of the worst famines in European history. In 1348, the plague (The Black Death) led to 40% to 50% average reduction in the population of Europe. Another eventthat may have contributed to the cold climate is decreased Solar, or Sun spot activity. The coldest part of the Little Ice Age, the years from 1645 to 1715 coincide with a period of very few Sun spots known as the Maunder Minimum.


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